1,595 research outputs found


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    Frida GORBACH ; Carlos LÓPEZ BELTRÁN, eds., Saberes locales : ensayos sobre historia de la ciencia en América Latin


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    Claudia Mónica GARCÍA, Las «fiebres del Magdalena». Medicina y sociedad en la construcción de una noción médica colombiana, 1859-188

    You Have the Right to Remain Powerless: Deprivation of Agency by Law Enforcement and the Legal and Carceral Systems

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    (Excerpt) The charges against Philadelphia Police Officer Phillip Nordo read like an episode of The Shield. The grand jury presentment, should you have the stomach for it, is closer to Law & Order: Special Victims Unit. For over twenty years, Officer Nordo groomed, sexually assaulted, and used crime reward funds to pay off vulnerable men in Philadelphia. Whether in his transport van, prison visiting rooms, or police interrogation rooms, he regularly exploited his unfettered access to and absolute control over vulnerable individuals. Though he was not convited until 2022, the communities he stalked and preyed upon knew exactly what Nordo was doing in the decades leading up to his arrest. Living in the streets where Nordo flexed his considerable power, these Philadelphians had nowhere to run, and no one to whom to report the bad detective. They could not call the other officers who took turns leaving Nordo alone with suspects for long stretches of time. Nor could they rely on the Internal Affairs Division, who corroborated rape allegations against Nordo and then kept him on payroll for another decade. And they certainly could not turn to Philadelphia prosecutors, who had quietly put Nordo on a “no call list.” This Article is not about Phillip Nordo. This Article is about the outright excision of agency that our legal system exacts on vulnerable communities. At every stage, our legal system strips already marginalized communities of power, particularly communities of color. Mass incarceration, a mechanism to uphold white supremacy, has further corroded individual and collective autonomy in these communities. This Article examines the ways in which law enforcement, the legal system, and the carceral state remove agency from individuals. In the final section, this Article suggests measures to immediately empower incarcerated individuals who have been stripped of their agency by our system

    Colección y aislamiento de especies vegetales de la provincia de Morona Santiag

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    La presente investigación está ligada al mejoramiento y racionalización de las prácticas medicinales populares que utilizan plantas de la Amazonía ecuatoriana. Este proyecto parte con la investigación de los usos medicinales de plantas que fueron evidenciados en la experiencia docente con los estudiantes Achuar y Shuar, becarios de la Carrera de Tecnología de los Recursos Biológicos Amazónicos y colectadas con ellos en cuatro zonas de la provincia de Morona Santiago. El resultado fue la creación de dos herbarios didácticos en la Universidad Politécnica Salesiana con alrededor de 1.000 especies vegetales colectadas

    E novo tratamento do regime da capacidade no Código Civil peruano

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    Peru has a new capacity treatment in the Civil Code of 1984, achieving an approach to the guidelines of the United Nations in favor of the autonomy and full legal capacity of persons with disabilities. Through the latest modifications made by Legislative Decree N. 1384, several unfinished aspects are linked to the rights of persons with disabilities based on respect for the human rights of all citizens, especially in terms of their dignity, autonomy and equality before the law. The current social model replaces the regime of substitution of the will of the incapable by one of assistance through the so-called supports and safeguards. Every person, regardless of their capacity, is a subject of free right to take and respond to their personal decisions.El Perú cuenta con un nuevo tratamiento de la capacidad en el Código Civil de 1984, logrando un acercamiento a las directrices de las Naciones Unidas en pro de la autonomía y la plena capacidad jurídica de las personas con discapacidad. Mediante las últimas modificaciones, realizadas por el Decreto Legislativo Nº 1384, se unen varios aspectos inconclusos en torno a los derechos de las personas con discapacidad, sobre la base del respeto a los derechos humanos de todos los ciudadanos, especialmente en cuanto a su dignidad, autonomía e igualdad ante la ley. El modelo social vigente remplaza el régimen de sustitución de la voluntad de las personas incapaces, por uno de asistencia a través de los denominados apoyos y salvaguardias. Toda persona, independientemente de su capacidad, es un sujeto de derecho libre de tomar y responder de sus decisiones personales.O Peru conta com um novo tratamento da capacidade no Código Cicil de 1984, alcançando acercar-se das diretrizes das Nações Unidas em prol da autonomia e da plena capacidade jurídica das pessoas com incapacidade. Mediante as últimas modificações realizadas pelo Decreto Legislativo Nº 1384, unem-se vários aspectos inacabados em torno dos direitos das pessoas com incapacidade sobre uma base de respeito aos direitos humanos de todos os cidadãos, especialmente quanto a sua dignidade, autonomia e igualdade perante a lei. O modelo social vigente troca o regime de substituição da vontade das pessoas incapazes por um de assistência através dos denominados apoios e salvaguardas. Toda pessoa, independentemente de sua capacidade, é um sujeito de direito livre para tomar e responder por suas decisões pessoais

    Project Work as a Tool to Develop Intercultural Competence from an ELF Perspective in Secondary Education

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    The main purpose of this dissertation is to design and evaluate materials from an English as Lingua Franca perspective to teach English in secondary education. Firstly, the dissertation introduces the definition and main characteristics of English as Lingua Franca, paying special attention to the development of the intercultural competence and the intercultural communicative competence. The methodology selected to teach English is one practice of the Communicative Language Teaching Approach, the project-based learning, so students from 4th year of ESO make an intercultural project investigating and comparing target and home cultures. Finally, after commenting on the assessment of both the students’ projects and the project itself, it can be said that presenting intercultural competence through project work is a good way to introduce this aspect of the communicative competence (democratic value/key competence). At the same time, students experience many of the advantages of the Communicative Language Teaching approach that can be found in the LOE and LOMCE Aragonese Curriculum

    El rezago social en áreas metropolitanas de México

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    En México existen grandes lagunas en la producción y análisis de datos a nivel de pequeña escala territorial. Este trabajo propone una metodología que permite estimar el grado de rezago social para las manzanas de las áreas metropolitanas de México. Se retoma la propuesta del Consejo Nacional de Evaluación de la Política de Desarrollo Social (Coneval) y se utiliza el Censo de Población y Vivienda 2010 para ejemplificar su uso para el área metropolitana de Monterrey. Se ofrecen dos versiones complementarias y se encuentra que, en ambos casos, la proporción de la población que sufre de un grado de rezago social muy alto es considerablemente mayor a la presentada por el Coneval. ABSTRACT Large gaps exist in Mexico about production and analysis of smallscale territorial units. The paper addresses a new methodology for estimating the social backwardness for blocks of the metropolitan areas in Mexico. Based on The National Council for Evaluation of Social Development Policy (Coneval) methodology and using the 2010 Population and Housing Census, as an example, we estimate the index of social backwardness for blocks in the Monterrey metropolitan area. We have implemented two versions to compute the index and both of them suggest the rate of the population suffering from Very High social backwardness is substantially different rate from that presented by Coneva

    A generalised proportional-derivative force/vision controller for torque-driven planar robotic manipulators

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    summary:In this paper, a family of hybrid control algorithms is presented; where it is merged a free camera-calibration image-based control scheme and a direct force controller, both with the same priority level. The aim of this generalised hybrid controller is to regulate the robot-environment interaction into a two-dimensional task-space. The design of the proposed control structure takes into account most of the dynamic effects present in robot manipulators whose inputs are torque signals. As examples of this generalised structure of hybrid force/vision controllers, a linear proportional-derivative structure and a nonlinear proportional-derivative one (based on the hyperbolic tangent function) are presented. The corresponding stability analysis, using Lyapunov's direct method and invariance theory, is performed to proof the asymptotic stability of the equilibrium vector of the closed-loop system. Experimental tests of the control scheme are presented and a suitable performance is observed in all the cases. Unlike most of the previously presented hybrid schemes, the control structure proposed herein achieves soft contact forces without overshoots, fast convergence of force and position error signals, robustness of the controller in the face of some uncertainties (such as camera rotation), and safe operation of the robot actuators when saturating functions (non-linear case) are used in the mathematical structure. This is one of the first works to propose a generalized structure of hybrid force/vision control that includes a closed loop stability analysis for torque-driven robot manipulators